Every Home for Christ evangelists in Malawi are actively sharing the Gospel village by village and the monthly reports they send to our office show both the difficulties and the joys. Every month they are joyfully reporting people coming to Christ and Christ groups being formed. In some areas they struggle with a lack of Bibles or opposition from anti-Christian groups.
At other times they are hampered by floods or drought but, with a smile on their faces and a determination to see their communities won for the Lord, they keep on with the task of travelling village by village to share the Gospel.
The ” Heart of Man” Chart is one of the most effective tools they use to explain in pictures the state of a person’s heart before and after Christ’s transforming power and it seems to bring the gospel truth alive in the hearts of Malawians.
The evangelists sponsored by Australia and New Zealand supporters and churches express their extreme gratitude for the financial and prayerful support they receive. This means their families are being looked after while they are away preaching the Gospel.
Thank you so very, very much.
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