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EHC has a powerful ministry reaching the Wichi Indians of Argentina, so it seemed natural that the Wichis would want to evangelize others. After seeing revival in their Christ Groups, Wichi believers felt the strong need to share the Gospel with several tribes in neighbouring Bolivia. During

the 2011 Summer Advance, 3,000 Wichis were reached. Hallelujah for this missionary outreach!

Indeed, penetrating the jungle communities in Argentina with the Gospel is serious business, especially when it comes to dangers such as snakes and a lack of roads. One worker had to wait over ten hours without any shelter as heavy rain poured down. The rain also brings out venomous snakes. However, God has protected the workers who strive to take the Gospel to every home.


And it is making a difference. One man came to a Summer Advance event at a Christ Group on Father’s Day in a wheelchair. Avelino had suffered from cerebral palsy and had been paralyzed for four years. He and his family had received EHC literature only days before and after reading the message, they felt motivated to attend church. EHC pastor Francisco Mendez prayed for Avelino. Immediately following this prayer, Avelino stood up and walked! His friends were amazed at this manifestation of God’s power. A great revival began among the Christ Group members, and all because of one man’s visit to an EHC Summer Advance!