EHC Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands (pop. 600,000), located southeast of Papua New Guinea, consists of several large volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. This is a slowly emerging nation whose economic development has been seriously hampered by civil unrest and ethnic tensions between the people of Guadalcanal and Malaita.
Civil war has left the country almost bankrupt. According to the World Bank, it is one of the Pacific region’s poorest countries, having been affected by successive food, fuel, and financial crises. It is also one of the most expensive nations on earth in which to live.
After years of inactivity, EHC relaunched the work in the Solomon Islands in July 2012. This is a challenging time as ministries like EHC are often perceived with suspicion by existing churches because there are “churches” almost everywhere. According to EHC’s new National Director Venson Joshua, Operation World lists the Solomon Islands as being 95 percent Christian. However, Joshua maintains that this statistic has proven to be misleading. “There is a huge harvest field here compared with the past ministry coverage,” he says, “and we are discovering that many people we come across do not attend any kind of church at all.” Ancestor worship, witchcraft, sorcery, and pagan practices make up at least some of this so-called “Christian” majority.
The plan to reach the Solomon Islands for Christ is a five-year endeavor for Every Home for Christ. When conducting home-to-home outreach here, workers must consider the remoteness of the 1,000 mountainous and coral atolls that make up the geography of the nation.
The goal is to reach approximately 3,000 homes per month with the Gospel, with numbers to increase as more awareness and mobilization is established. A prelaunch dinner was attended by 40 pastors and church leaders at which EHC’s Regional Director for Asia-Pacific, Manasa Kolivuso, announced EHC’s return to the islands to an enthusiastic crowd.
Please pray for the work in the Solomon Islands. Kolivuso expects that since most of the early pioneers of the EHC work there are now established pastors, there will be great support among local churches for the efforts to reach every home. Praise God for the eight trained workers already on the ground, who are knocking on doors even this day to present the Gospel to those who have not heard.
EHC Poland
Poland, a nation of 38.4 million people, is one that has roots going back 1,000 years and whose proud heritage is exemplified in the architecture, food, history, and culture that make up this central European nation.
EHC had a work in Poland in the 1980s and 90s but suspended ministry in 1998. Our new National Director Michael Trzcionkowski is excited to reignite the work, saying, “After a long silence, sharing again the vision of this ministry in the churches of Poland is a great privilege!” The official reopening of EHC was inaugurated with the organization of a summer camp near the city of Rybnik. Since July 1, 2012, this southern city near the Czech Republic border has been host to EHC’s office in Poland.
Current outreaches include visiting thousands of households with Christian literature thanks to the mobilization of some 40 young people. Pray that the gospel messages distributed home to home and coinciding with other outdoor events (concerts, shows, etc.) will create a link between the inhabitants and local churches. Thus far, the plan is to reach 150,000 homes with the Gospel by the end of June 2013, including 110,000 in the city of Katowice and 40,000 in Rybnik. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for EHC’s work in Poland!
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